Pemasok Alat Ukur Laboratorium Teknik Sipil, Alat Uji Aspal, Alat Uji Beton, Alat Uji Tanah, Alat Uji Pertambangan, Harga Murah


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4. Concrete Equipment Home : 4. Concrete Equipment :

Compression Machine

Compression Machine

(44 vote(s))

Product code: CO-321.4

In stock: yes

For determining compressive strength of concrete cube 15 x 15 x15 cm or concrete cylinder 15 cm dia. x 30 cn height
FrameHeavy-duty welded steel construction 30 cm
(profile steel columns 10 thick botttom and upper plate)
Hydraulic System
For 1500 kN Cap.
Cast iron cylinder,
Hard-chromed piston, 230 mm diameter
Maximum working pressure 50.000 kPa
Overall dimension 280 mm dia. x 320 mm height
Single action, gravity return
Hydraulic System
For 2000 kN Cap.
Mild-Steel cylinder,
Hard-chromed piston, 230 mm diameter
Maximum working pressure 50.000 kPa
Overall dimension 300 mm dia. x 320 mm height
Single action, gravity return
Hydraulic System
For 3000 kN Cap.
Mild-Steel cylinder,
Hard-chromed piston, 250 mm diameter
Maximum working pressure 50.000 kPa
Overall dimension 330 mm dia. x 320 mm height
Single action, gravity return
Hydraulic Pump Hand operated, single action
6.000 ml reservoir capacity
Maximum working pressure 50.000 kPa
Single action, gravity return
Force Gauge Bourdon tube manometer, 280 mm dial diameter
With maximum load pointer. Steel box housing.
Calibrated by JNK
Upper : 180 x 180 mm, ball seating
Lower : 250 mm diameter
Clearance Horizontal: 290 mm
Vertikal  : 310 mm
Dimension 660 x 600 x 1400 mm (l x w x h) approx.
Weight 500 kg

CO-321.3Compression Machine1500 kN capacity,
10 kN increments
CO-321.4Compression Machine2000 kN capacity,
10 kN increments
CO-321.5Compression Machine3000 kN capacity,
20 kN increments



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