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1. Soil Equipment Home : 1. Soil Equipment :

Direct Shear Test Set

Direct Shear Test Set

(85 vote(s))

Product code: SO-525

In stock: yes

Dimension (l x w x h): 130 x 50 x 130 cm
Gross Weight: 125 kg

ASTM D-3080 AASHTO T-236
For determining shearing resistance of soil sample.
SO-526Loading MAchine
    Consist of :
SO-526.1Frame Welded steel frame hand operated 1 Pc
SO-526.2Loading Hanger Machined steel, galvanized, supplied without load 2 Pc
SO-527Shear Box Cast alumunium box, 63.5 mm sample dia., porous stone, loading cap. 1 Set
SO-523Loads Slotted, machined steel, galvanized
    Consist of :
SO-523.1Load 3167 gr weight 2 Pcs
SO-523.2Load 6334 gr weight 1 Pc
SO-524Sample Tube Machine steel, 63.5 mm dia., galvanized, with extruder 1 Set
GE-101.1Proving Ring 100 kg capacity 1 Pc
GE-135Dial Indicator Range 10.0 mm x 0.01 mm 1 Pc
GE-136Dial Indicator Range 20.0 mm x 0.01 mm 1 Pc
GE-840Wire Saw 10 cm length approx. 1 Pc

Also required,
but not part of this set:


SO-450Moisture Content Test Set

GE-521 Wash Bottle

GE-700 Stop Watch

GE-710 Vernier Caliper

GE-820 Spatula



Copyright © 2006  -  2019 All rights reserved. Pemasok Alat Ukur Laboratorium Teknik Sipil, Alat Uji Aspal, Alat Uji Beton, Alat Uji Tanah, Alat Uji Pertambangan, Harga Murah. design by Alat Teknik Sipil